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Podcast identity

Making sustainability in design & tech sound (and look) delicious



October 2019 – May 2020


The design practices as we know today won’t give us the security we need to thrive as a society and as the world that faces global challenges beyond our control.

It’s the kinds of thoughts that keep designers awake at night. Isn’t design supposed to do good? 😞

This podcast was my learning journey. I took a long break from work to develop the brand & unique content, attract strong minds to the project, to show that yes, design can still do good!


The design practices as we know today won’t give us the security we need to thrive as a society and as the world that faces global challenges beyond our control.

It’s the kinds of thoughts that keep designers awake at night. Isn’t design supposed to do good? 😞

This podcast was my learning journey. I took a long break from work to develop the brand & unique content, attract strong minds to the project, to show that yes, design can still do good!



Many product & service designers that tackle sustainability today are disconnected and siloed. That and the fact that all of these are pioneers, creating something entirely new, seems unreasonable. We need transparency to succeed in this together.


The Dot Podcast exists to provide a holistic overview of the principles that guide sustainable practice today in design & tech.


Throughout its existence, The Dot Podcast aims to source & connect relevant insight from research and industry stories through theoretical & practical realms.


Tingle the brain: concepts around sustainability aren’t unified and agreed on, and hence we encourage listeners to engage and think with us

Success & failure are equally important: we aren’t interested in feeding the survivorship bias and only share successful results – there’re many unresolved barriers in the field that need cooperative action, too

Stay credible & clear: we only use real data & insight from research papers & journals to avoid polarisation of any kind and stay true to science, while leaving the practical angle to our expert guests

The direction:
inspired  by nature, circularity, simplicity

Sometimes the best knowledge hides in the distant corners, unheard and unvisited. Might a bright, modern visual brand get the attention that this theme deserves?

Through this brand, I wanted to engage more senses, not just auditory. I wanted the visual narrative to tell its own story, for my audience to discover something new and get them to say “A-HA!” in their head.

stay readable regardless of the platform

In the podcast world, we deal with a variety of platforms for a variety of people. That’s why the logo is bold, short, and naturally simple & recognisable.

Strong visual hierarchy

Using social media conveys the key principle: grab attention, or die. That’s why The Dot Podcast materials are simple but versatile, playful but convincing.

Consistent narrative structure

Consistency is important in any experience, also in listening.

Each episode is deliberately kept short. It’s a paradox – the shorter you want your episodes to be, the more time it takes to produce. It’s like Mark Twain said – “I apologize for such a long letter – I didn’t have time to write a short one.”

The response to the project was positive – over only 2 months The Dot gathered 200 followers! Companies proudly re-shared content across their social media.



Now what? The Dot Podcast is on a break – we’re learning from the process and will certainly come back with more fresh, refined, top-notch content.


Why don’t you take a break and taste The Dot? 🙃


The Dot Podcast is a personal passion project which could only be possible with my pal, Ian!

Project team

Anastasiia Kozina (me)
Design director
Host & creator

Ian Gaplichnik
Sound design & production


Image credit

Twitter post

Inspiration photography

Family portrait

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