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Memocate identity

Creating a new generation of dementia care training with fresh & engaging look & feel



November 2016 – September 2019


Memocate in 2016 to bring the most recent research of human-to-human interaction to people with the cognitive disease and their caregivers. We have evidence that through proper care, the disease can be significantly postponed. Quality human interaction is at the core of the care we promoted.

Throughout the years, Memocate acquired a strong visual identity. This project represents the final cut.



Memocate stands against the formality & boredom common for healthcare training. Blunt and tasteless materials & content bring no emotional connection, don’t feel contextualised, and don’t help in learning activities.


Memocate exists to share must-have expertise through modern learning products & training so that the care home staff gets more productive. It’s a chance for caregivers to realise the best version of themselves.


By 2030, Memocate aims to set a global standard for dementia caregiving for both professional and family caregivers alike.


Professional approach: there’s no debate that Memocate is a trustworthy authority in modern approaches in dementia caregiving

Understanding through care: all Memocate stakeholders are people first and we treat them as such – they’re  encouraged to work, learn, and grow together, practising essential skills on the go

Seemless interaction: our materials feel functional but approachable, and the same traits are reflected through interactive design & channels

Visual identity & language

The name – Memocate – comes from the words Memory & Educate combined. The logotype symbol represents our core brand values through the Shield, Heart, and Hands consequently.

Intended to be used for the learning experience and print & digital products alike, the typeface and colours were all selected with legibility and contrast in mind. We managed to achieve a balanced, calming look.

Illustration & visual storytelling

Memocate prides itself in developing a unique illustration style. It served 2 primary purposes: show interaction instead of telling about it and make illustration style easy to scale and re-apply due to its simple geometry and colour scheme.

The first set of illustrations and characters was developed for animation series that shows the interaction between the caregiver and a person with dementia. That’s why the characters were predominantly round and symmetric, which helped us make a 2D look like 3D.

Scaling brand across a variety of channels

Our brand got scaled to various channels and media, in digital and print. At first, we aimed at raising funds and had a single page that pitched Memocate in detail for investors. Over time, we shifted to the webpage we know today – a guide for family caregivers, available completely for free.

Our website brand differs from our e-learning course as we target different users with each, and so do screen layouts and interactive element styles as we shift from dealing with users to dealing with learners.

Formal communication

We in Memocate were often busy with pitching and internal documentation, hence birthing the variety of internal slides and decks. I developed a variety of grids and defined styles for diverse use. The decks are available in Keynote and Google Slides format.

As a result of Memocate brand exposure and sales, we managed to train 600+ professional caregivers in Finland, Canada, and Sweden, and built unique partnerships with experts in the field. We also created free-of-charge materials and channels for family caregivers who find themselves struggling with the onset of dementia in their loved ones.


At the moment, Memocate is developing a new service, Memocate Rytmi, a data-powered technology that can evaluate the quality of dementia care in any care organisation using sensors.


Memocate was built from scratch and was only made possible with our exceptional team. Hence the project deserves to be attributed to all parties.

Project team

Anastasiia Kozina (me)
Design Lead & Co-founder
Brand, UI/UX & Visual Design, Illustration, Photography

Chrystal Giam
Visual Design, Illustration

Pasi Viitanen & Liza Potapkina
Motion graphics

Sanna Kaski
Content Design

Asen Velichkov
Web / front-end development

Heikki Hauskaviita
CEO & Co-founder
Sales & content

Camilla Lindholm
Scientific Advisor & Co-founder
Content design

Daniel Landau
Tech Lead & Co-founder
Front- & back-end development

Podcast identity

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